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This TDS & EC meter replaces my three year old TDS meter which I never have calibrated. I compared it with my older meter and the readings are, to my surprise, not that far apart. The HealthyWiser measured a TDS value of 114, my older model gave me 129.
I trust more the reading of the HealthyWiser becasue my old one, as mentioned before, never got calibrated. The HealthyWiser reads quickly and the results are consistent.
It also measures temperature and electric conductivity but I do not have much use for the latter. My concern is the TDS reading of my water filter. The HealthyWiser does that well and quick. It has a hold button so you can remove it from the water to read it. This is quite helpful.
I can switch from Fahrenheit to celsius by simply pressing twice the SHIFT button. In case you need to shift from TDS to EC, simply press once the SHIFT button.
The battery compartment is easily accessible, located above the display. The meter uses, luckily, a standard CR2032 lithium battery. The meter turns off automatically to ensure long battery life. I recommend to take out the battery if you won’t use it for a long period of time.
The electrodes are well protected like any other meter by a protective sleeve. I rinse the electrodes with distilled water after each use to ensure correct readings.
The body of the meter doesn’t feel flimsy. It’s quite sturdy and has quite a noticeable purple color. The display is large and easy to read. I like the complimentary black faux-leather case. This way, it is well protected against accidental spills and dust.
My overall impression: It is a reliable TDS & EC meter that delivers accurate results in seconds and is easy to use and it comes with a lifetime warranty. I did not obtain any way off results. It’s a good bargain for a TDS & EC meter and I especially recommend it for reverse osmosis filter owners.
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